London Fashion Week Front -Rowers show how to work a Tab Pouch |
Last month saw the passing of a great modern visionary. In the Obituaries section of The Telegraph Online - Steve Jobs was reported as 'The man behind the astonishing success of the computer animation firm Pixar, makers of Toy Story and Finding Nemo; in consequence he did more to determine what films we watch, how we listen to music, and how we work and play than any other person on the planet'
And also from a fashion and style perspective, Jobs not only gave us cool, must have technology and films, he also inadvertently created one of the must have bag styles of the season - what we are calling here at The Style Eye - The Tab Pouch ...since it's the perfect size for a Tablet device.
Vintage clutches are revived to hold up to-the-minute gadgetry |
Without the success and popularity of the i-Pad, we doubt very much if this new style of document case or oversized clutch would have reached the levels of style acceptance that it now has.
Luxury at Balenciaga |
From luxury versions at Balenciaga and Smythson to quirky, cool and affordable at Ted Baker- most designers and retailers have a spin on the Tab Pouch. Hip fashion folk who slavishly scour the vintage markets every weekend have even reclaimed oversized vintage clutches to tote around their Tab and other paraphernalia. Even if you aren't lucky enough to own a coveted i-Pad this new way of carrying your other cool stuff around is the way forward for bags styling- and much neater and tidier than a huge, heavy tote full of emblazoned in labels and hardware.