Has Spring sprung? Maybe? For Good? Who knows? So for now lets just enjoy the bright sunshine, still air and of course those unforgettable scents of spring. Freshly cut lawns, sun-warmed new spring blossom and the warmer air. And time to put away a little bit of winter. Although as gorgeous as the last couple of days has been its still just too chilly to pack away the winter coat ,woollies and wellies just yet. Moving into spring make-up is a perfect way to ease in to the new mood . After watching and being inspired by the make-up worn by Julianne Moore in A Single Man I decided that the way to loosen up last winter's smoky eye looks would be to take her sixties doe-eyed look and make it more modern. I was fascinated too when leafing through issue 10 of Lula magazine to spot an alternative version of this sex kitten make-up. The original look can sometimes come across a bit pan-sticky and one dimensional . A modern take would be to use a white shimmer powder or gloss on the lower lids. Violets and lilacs are a fashionable colour for eye shadow this season and would make a great alternative when used on the crease line and upper lid. This weekend it's the vernal equinox so you have from now until then to practise the perfect kohl -crease line before its time to officially face spring.
Left:Julianne Moore in Tom Ford's A Single Man
Right: Make-up by Hiromi Ueda for Issue 10 of Lula Magazine
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