Wednesday, 29 February 2012

See And Be Seen

Fashion week checklist. Eye-catching outfit- check. Invites to the best shows - check. Giant camera - check.

Anna turns the lens on the paps.

What's going on at the International Fashion Weeks that are happening right now? Plenty this season- and not just inside the shows and on the catwalks, where a feast for the eyes in the form of new threads is being unveiled. For real (ish) fashion as it happens the streets the place to go. Last March on this here blog, I posted a piece entitled 'Fash Pack News Flash'. I was talking about how nowadays what happens outside the shows is as important as what goes on inside the shows. Move on one year and it's not just fashion folk being fash-papped but them themselves photographing other visitors to the shows. This season its a case of 'who's watching you and you watching them'. Browsing through the street images from outside the shows it was clear that this season the look du jour for the fashion press is not just a super on-trend, eye-grabbing outfit as well as, an invitation to the best shows,  and a pair of those Acne heels but also a camera to document at a moment's notice all the important sightings. Best of all, was Anna Dello Russo. For wherever Anna goes in one of her amazing and out-there outfits, so do the fashion photographers. So it was great to see her in her trademark giant cherries hat and an equally matching fashion-bonkers outfit with huge camera lens in hand photographing the clamouring Fash-arazzi in front of her, possibly to use on one of her posts for her own blog? And now that ADR is now photographing others, it just goes to prove, once again how important fashion blogging has become. What if one day in the future nobody even bothers to even go to the into shows? And that leagues of the best dressed folk stand around in various cool locations and simply photograph each other for their own media? Now there's a crazy thought - and it's nearly as crazy as one of Anna's outfits!
Camera and those Acne heels! Thats 'So this Season'

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