Thursday, 23 June 2011

Happy Glampers, Happy Campers

These days festival goers are split into two camps (literally!) Campers and Glampers.
Campers are the year-in, year-out visitors who go there to lose their minds in music and their jumpers in mud. Glampers will be planning their festival capsule wardrobes weeks before the event.
Campers will sleep in a two man tent that takes two seconds to set up. Glampers are helicoptered in and shown to their Winnebago by a groomed butler. Yet, everybody has a good time regardless if they are downing cider or sipping champagne. So which camp do you fall into? Here are a few fashion suggestions for Campers and Glampers alike.

Glampers may be able to escape the masses but not the mud. Marc by Marc Jacobs Biker Wellies are a  perfect but practical style statement.
For the Campers - A Topshop Snakeprint pack-a-poncho will keep them dry if their flimsy tent gets blown away, nicked or they just can't remember where they left it!

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