This week I have been recovering from a fantastic New Years Eve party at the Century Club . My personal last big blow out for the year, although I have still found time to have a quick look in the crystal ball and see how this new decade intends to shape up.
The Noughties were all about living to the extreme. Even though we have been hearing and talking about a recession for a while it seems that it was this year things really did hit us hard. All that media speculation of the last two years finally came into fruition and this christmas people were spending much less.
The Noughties were all about living to the extreme. Even though we have been hearing and talking about a recession for a while it seems that it was this year things really did hit us hard. All that media speculation of the last two years finally came into fruition and this christmas people were spending much less.
Fashion came into a pinnacle of these extreme trends right at the very end of the decade. 2009 was the year that had us talking 'fierce' and that was just footwear.
Spring 2010 will see us going from over-the-top, as seen at Louis Vuitton 12cm heels to a more user-friendly 7cm sling back heel. If even Christian Louboutin can include a less than 10cm heel in his collection then something definately is a-foot. Its not just heels that we are chopping off. Hair will also go shorter too. Tired of seeing long glossy locks all over the catwalk and celebrity shoots too? how about going for a bob or a shag cut?
Already this haircut is filtering through with some celebrities rocking the look. I just loved the way Katia, Ronnie Wood's young ex's take on this style in a recent Hello! shoot. Short, full, wavy and very now.
And let's put those 'It' bags back in their dust-sacs. Why spend the equivalent of an average monthly mortgage payment on something everyone else is carrying? Put your hard earned money to good use and go for something luxurious and understated. Pauric Sweeney is a master of this concept. Prices range from around £400 for a leather or PVC number to near on a couple of grand for a indulgent python finish. Generally the shapes and styles to keep an eye out for this season are mini drawstring pouches for evening and festivals and handy long strapped hobos for daytime. Or go for something completely unique and 'double bag'. Pauric Sweeney's Twin clutches express individuality and is a totally modern piece.
And with the recent run of persistent snowy weather I see moon or snow boots replacing the old faithful Ugg boots. I'm calling time on following the sheep.
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